This article explains which dimension stone panel problems can be resolved by your stone restoration technician, and which problems require replacement.
Author: Surface Care PROS Support
Gregory initially started his career in the construction industry way back in 1975 because of his sincere interest in how do the new buildings and structures get built from the ground up. Eventually, after working at the construction company for quite a long time and achieving an executive-level position there, Gregory decided to adjust his career course a bit and focused on home remodeling & renovations.

Why Carpet Ripples Happen and What To Do About It
Carpet ripples, wavy areas that appear in wall-to-wall carpeting, may be temporary or an ongoing problem, depending on the situation. Here are the details.
Soft Water Can Damage Marble
You’ve likely heard of hard water damage on natural stone, but did you know that soft water can also damage it? Learn how to protect susceptible stone.
When Professional Carpet Cleaning is a Must
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A Natural Stone Stain Remover
Natural stone, concrete, terrazzo, and certain tiles, as well as the grout lines in between tile, can become stained. Many stains can be removed using acetone.