Should you be concerned about coronavirus on carpets and upholstery? Get answers on the infectious lifespan of viruses on porous versus non-porous surfaces.
Author: Surface Care PROS Support
Gregory initially started his career in the construction industry way back in 1975 because of his sincere interest in how do the new buildings and structures get built from the ground up. Eventually, after working at the construction company for quite a long time and achieving an executive-level position there, Gregory decided to adjust his career course a bit and focused on home remodeling & renovations.

Pressure Washing Caution
Before pressure washing stone or masonry surfaces, read this article to learn about potential problems that could result in serious damage.
Limiting and Eliminating Carpet Grease
Cooking grease is easily tracked onto carpets by people and pets—and can’t be vacuumed away. Here are a few tips for limiting and eliminating grease.
Shower Pan Moisture Buildup
Is the stone around your shower drain darker than the surrounding stone? The cause may be clogged weep holes. The solution may be an easy DIY procedure.
Why Carpets Shed and What To Do About It
After new carpet is installed, loose fiber fragments may be leftover from the manufacturing process. Learn why shedding happens, and what you can do to stop it.